Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Vocab #8

 flout- openly disregard
 caveat- a warning or caution
 blazon- to describe(a coat of arms) in proper terms
 filch- to take something of little value
 fractious- easily irritated, bad tempered  
 equitable- having or exhibiting equity
 autonomy- independence 
 addendum- a thing to be added
 amnesty- a general pardon for offenses
 axiomatic- self-evident and unquestionable
 extricate- free someone or something
 soporific- tending to induce drowsiness 
 scathing- withering, scornful
 unwieldy- difficult to carry or move 
 vapid- offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging 
 prognosticate- foretell or prophesy
 sepulchral- relating to a tomb or internment
 salutary- producing good effects
 straitlaced- excessively strict in manners, morals, or opinion
 scourge- to whip or lash
 precept- direction given as a rule of conduct
 transient- lasting only for a short time

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