Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Vocab Review

Pedagogue- a teacher.
Cavernous- like a cavern in size, shape, and atmosphere. 
Coquettish- a flirt. 
Tête-à-tête- a private conversation between two persons.
Suffice- to be enough or adequate. 
Amorous- showing feeling to sexual desire.
bosom- space between the breasts/ between mound of land.  
prudently-with common sense
inveterate- a particular act or habit
propensity- natural tendency to behave in a particular way 
repose- exertion/ sleep  
stripling- a young man 
sequester- isolate or hide away
apparition- ghostly figure
purport- appear or claim to be 
imbibed- drunk in
incessant- continuing without pause.
cognomen- a family name
reverie- daydreaming
gambol- run or jump around playfully
spectre- ghost/ phantom
tarry- linger or wonder
[Hessian]-  18 century german solider
flout- openly disregard caveat- a warning or caution
blazon- to describe(a coat of arms) in proper terms
filch- to take something of little value 
fractious- easily irritated, bad tempered   
equitable- having or exhibiting equity
autonomy- independence 
addendum- a thing to be added
amnesty- a general pardon for offenses
axiomatic- self-evident and unquestionable
extricate- free someone or something
soporific- tending to induce drowsiness 
scathing- withering, scornful
unwieldy- difficult to carry or move 
vapid- offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging 
prognosticate- foretell or prophesy
sepulchral- relating to a tomb or internment
salutary- producing good effects
straitlaced- excessively strict in manners, morals, or opinion
scourge- to whip or lash
precept- direction given as a rule of conduct
transient- lasting only for a short timeAdmit- confess to be true.
Amicable- Friendliness, without serious disagreement.
Averse- Strong dislike, opposition to something
Beligerent- Hostile and agressive
Benevolent- Well meaning, friendly
Cursory- Hasty, not detailed
Duplicity- Deceitfulness in speech
Extol- To praise highly
Feasible- To do easily, conviently
Grimace- Disgust, disapproval
Holocaust- Destruction or slaughter.
Impervious- Not penetrable  
Impetus- Impulse, a moving force
Jeopardy- Risk of loss or danger
Meticulous- Showing great attention to detail.
Nostalgia- Longing for things, persons, or situation in time.
Quintessence- concentrated essence of a substance.
Retrogress- go back to a worse state.
Scrutinize- Exam of inspect closely.
Tepid- Slightly warm

 allude-refer to something the author thinks you should know.
 clairvoyant- able to perceive things beyond sense.
 conclusive- final; decisive
 disreputable- of poor reputation.
 endemic- pervasive in a particular place.
 exemplary-of note worth importance.
 fathom- measure of ocean depth; to understand.
 guile- to trick; trickiness.
 integrity- integrate thought, word, and action.
 itinerary- trip schedule.
 misconstrue- misunderstand; misrepresent.
 obnoxious- rude
 placate- calm down; satisfy.
 placid- calm; peaceful.
 plagiarism- taking someones work;representing it as your own.
 potent- powerful.
 protrude- to stick out.
 stark- obvious; clear.
 superficial- shallow; at a surface level.

 coherent-sticking together.
 belabor-to beat severely.
 eschew-to keep away from (something harmful or disliked.)
 acquisitive-eager to acquire.
 emulate- to copy or imitate.
 arrogate-to seize something without justification.
 banal-dull or stale as because of overuse.
 excoriation-to strip, scratch, or rub off the skin of.
 congeal-to solidify or thicken by cooling or freezing.
 carping-tending to carp, or find fault.
 substantiate- to prove a claim to be true.
 temporize-to suit one's actions to the time.
 largesse-money given with ease.
 tenable-to be sustained or maintained.
 insatiable-appetite for something that cannot be satisfied.
 reconnaissance-an exploratory survey or examination.
 germane- something relevant to the topic ramify.
 ramified-spread; branch out
 intransigent-someone stubborn or unwilling to change his views.
 taciturn- someone who doesn't say much.
 invidious-something that is likely to cause anger. hackneyed- made commonplace or trite
 approbation- approval; commendation
 innuendo- an indirect intimation about a person or thing, especially ofa disparaging or a derogatory nature
 coalition- a combination or alliance
 elicit- to draw or bring out or forth
 hiatus- a break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series,action, etc. 
 assuage-to make milder or less severe
 decadence- the act or process of falling into an inferior condition or state
 expostulate- to reason earnestly with someone against something that personintends to do or has done
 simulate- to create a simulation likeness, or model of a situation 
 jaded- dulled or satiated by overindulgence
 umbrage- offense; annoyance; displeasure
 prerogative- an exclusive right, privilege
 lurid- gruesome; horrible; revolting
 transcend- to rise above or go beyond; overpass; exceed
 provincial- belonging or peculiar to some particular province 
 petulant- moved to or showing sudden, impatient irritation, especially oversome trifling annoyance
 unctuous- characterized by excessive piousness or moralistic fervor
 meritorious- deserving praise, reward, esteem

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